April 29, 2008

number board game....

i just really cant help but remember our number board game, during our mathweek celebration held last Febuary. It's really fun, you can try it...Just gat a large board, place 9 circles and in each circle place numbers from 1-9 or any signs, symbols, letters, or pictures if you like....it can be heart, star, square or anything that pleases you....this can also help you teach your children different shapes (if you choose to place shapes on your board), or colors or numbers...children respond more and aborbs more information when their having fun while learning....
Next, cut pieces of paper write the parts of the body you would like to use in the game, which may include left foot, right foot, left/right hand, head, left/right knee and elbows...put in a container...also write the symbols/numbers/letters/shapes in pieces of paper and place in another container.....this will be randomly drawn...
players in each board can range from 1-5, which primarily depends on the size of the board. but i tell you the more players are inside the board, the more fun you will have...
try it with your friends, siblings, family today..!!! i tell you itsfun..!!


AJ said...

this is cool. u captured the emotion :)

ps: kelan u ulit dalaw me.rgds.

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verry vinedette
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