I love to play online games like flyff,perfect world, etc. Each game has their own forums, where players can talk about their experience in the game. And when I was checking the new topic at flyff forums, I saw this topic that is very interesting. I was so amazed that i thought i should post it here so you guys can see these images.
here are some of the images:
1.) take a close and careful look at this....you'll be amazed...
Her rotation, Is it clockwise or counterclockwise??
2. try this one too! :)
What do you see in the picture below?
Look at the picture.Scientific research showed that children can't recognise erotic scenes.
Instead they see 9 dolphins.
On the other hand, adult's mind is rather "corrupted" so adult person may have problems spoting 9 dolphins at first eye glaze.
If you have trouble spoting dolphins in the first 6 seconds, then your mind is heavily corrupted! .. oooohhh
More interesting images are soon too come...