March 13, 2008

Interesting Images

I love to play online games like flyff,perfect world, etc. Each game has their own forums, where players can talk about their experience in the game. And when I was checking the new topic at flyff forums, I saw this topic that is very interesting. I was so amazed that i thought i should post it here so you guys can see these images.

here are some of the images:

    1.) take a close and careful look at'll be amazed...

Her rotation, Is it clockwise or counterclockwise??

2. try this one too! :)
What do you see in the picture below?

Look at the picture.Scientific research showed that children can't recognise erotic scenes.
Instead they see 9 dolphins.
On the other hand, adult's mind is rather "corrupted" so adult person may have problems spoting 9 dolphins at first eye glaze.
If you have trouble spoting dolphins in the first 6 seconds, then your mind is heavily corrupted! ..

More interesting images are soon too come...


honey said...

honestly wla po talaga ako nkita na dolphins..ehhehe..LOL..mayron ba talaga?

Vhiel said...

you know that lady that is rotating.. my professor should that to us.. but I never did see if she is rotating on 2 different directions.. my eyes must be getting old.. because my classmates that are younger said they saw it.. bummer for me!

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verry vinedette
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